Trio Elf – Pianotage
8. Pianotage
Aus der Presse:
„Vielseitigkeit ist nur einer von vielen Begriffen, den man für die neue Silberscheibe des Trio Elf zur näheren Bestimmung heranziehen kann. Weitere sind Experimentierfreude, Dynamikkreativität und Musiklyriker.“ [kultur-port.de]
„… die Konzentration auf frische, gestalterisch fein changierende Stücke, die mehr als früher von allen drei Beteiligten stammen.“ [Jazz thing]
„Das neue Album „MusicBoxMusic“ wurde vom Zauber der Spieluhren inspririert.“ [kulturspiegel.de]
„… zum ersten Mal bringt ein jeder der drei Musiker seine eigenen charakteristischen Kompositionen mit ein. Kein Wunder also, dass sich das Klangbild von Trio Elf durch die Verschiedenheit der drei Akteure immens weitet und eine vielseitige, abwechslungsreiche Soundwelt bietet – noch mehr als bei den früheren Alben.“ [er-em-online.de]
„Das Trio Elf arbeitet damit weiter an seinem markanten Soundprofil zwischen Romantizismus und Rhythmusfülle.“ [Stereoplay]
Versatility is only one of many attributes that could be used to pinpoint the sound of Trio Elf’s latest CD – as are ‚joy in exploring‘, ‚dynamic creativity‘ and ‚musical lyricisim‘.“ [kultur-port.de]
“…focus on new, creatively scintillating and yet nuanced songs penned more equally now by all three band members.“ [Jazz thing]
“Their new album ‘MusicBoxMusic’ was inspired by the magic of music boxes.“ [kulturspiegel.de]
„…for the first time in the band’s history, each of the three musicians throws his own distinctive compositions into the mix. So it is hardly surprising that Trio Elf’s sound is expanding tremendously thanks to the uniquely diverse flavor contributed by each of its three members, offering a multifaceted and versatile soundscape that is much more pronounced than on any of the earlier albums.“ [er-em-online.de]
“With this, Trio ELF continues to develop its distinct sound profile wedged somewhere between romanticism and rhythmic richness.“ [Stereoplay]
“A classic piano trio that dares to aim for transcendence. This could work – or not. In Trio ELF’s case, it works wonderfully well. Here, jazz rhythms and the beats and sounds of drum’n’bass, house and even hip-hop collide in energetic bursts. Widely varied compositions and well-rounded improvisations are the main takeaways of this. The listener becomes immersed in a realm of sound that is captivatingly eclectic without becoming overbearing or overloaded.“ [jazzdrummerworld]
“More than a decade ago, this ever astonishing trio released their first album. And in 2016 and with a new line-up – Sven Faller is replaced by bassist Peter Cudek, who also contributes compositions of his own – they are now giving us a veritable treasure trove of sound, inspired by the melodies of music boxes.“ [Sonic]
“At times serving up catchy hooks and sending sparks of inspiration flying at others, the trio brings to life the album’s 11 compositions never entering mainstream territory and yet always sounding memorable.” [Hifi-Stars]
„Even in the subsequent solo prelude on the piano, Lang succeeds with effortless ease at creating a wall of sound that is nothing short of resembling cinematographic soundscapes, stirred only by the onset of a nervous beat and a solemn bass that announce the start of something more fast-paced, more pronounced, yes: more alert – something that feels like an awakening, like the blossoming of a pure force of nature.“ [Jazzthetik]
“[…] – all the jewels adorning this ‚music box‘ share one thing in common: the art of turning friction into sonic delight.“ [Jazzpodium]
„MusicBoxMusic accomplishes the feat of using club-friendly beats without letting the jazz of it degrade to mere relaxation muzak. Rather, it boldly takes its multi-layered rhythms where no programmer has gone before. Add to this a wicked bass and a piano that tastefully refrains from any kind of cascading or arpeggiated mannerisms whatsoever and the result is pure joy.“ [Jazzthetik][Jazzpodium]